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Located in the Beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota

Swedish Weaving is VERY Relaxing.
Warning: Can become very addictive!

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Beginner's Kit

Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (Natural)

Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (Natural)

Sandra's Stitches by Sandra Jones Natural Table Runner Project Kit includes: Natural Monk’s Cloth (approximately 16 x 54", pre shrunk) Bodkin Charted pattern with easy step–by–step instructions Two border designs and finishing chart with step-by-step instructions Kit does NOT include yarn .
Max: 3
Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (Van Bean)

Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (Van Bean)

Sandra's Stitches by Sandra Jones Vanilla Bean Table Runner Project Kit includes: Vanilla Bean Monk’s Cloth (approximately 16 x 54", pre shrunk) Bodkin Charted pattern with easy step–by–step instructions Two border designs and finishing chart with step-by-step instructions Kit does NOT include yarn .
Max: 3
Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (White)

Intro to Swedish Weave Beginner's Kit - Table Runner (White)

Sandra's Stitches by Sandra Jones White Table Runner Project Kit includes: White Monk’s Cloth (approximately 16 x 54", pre shrunk) Bodkin Charted pattern with easy step–by–step instructions Two border designs and finishing chart with step-by-step instructions Kit does NOT include yarn .
Max: 3

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