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4" All Metal Polka Dot Embroidery Scissors

4" All Metal Polka Dot Embroidery Scissors

4" All Metal Polka Dot Embroidery Scissors Available in 3 Colors. Be sure to select your color choice from the dropdown box.
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Cotton Candy Curved Blade Embroidery Scissors - Lavender - 31/2"

Cotton Candy Curved Blade Embroidery Scissors - Lavender - 31/2"

This pair of 3.5" curved blade embroidery scissors will remind you of cotton candy, light and airy. The see-through plastic covering on the handles make them comfortable to use, with a slip-resistant grip. The color-coordinated plastic point protector snaps into place to protect the sharp pointed blades.
Cotton Candy Straight Blade Embroidery Scissors - Pink - 31/2"

Cotton Candy Straight Blade Embroidery Scissors - Pink - 31/2"

This pair of 3.5" embroidery scissors will remind you of cotton candy, light and airy. The see-through plastic covering on the handles make them comfortable to use, with a slip-resistant grip. The color-coordinated plastic point protector snaps into place to protect the sharp pointed blades.
Cotton Candy Straight Blade Embroidery Scissors - Teal - 31/2"

Cotton Candy Straight Blade Embroidery Scissors - Teal - 31/2"

This pair of 3.5" embroidery scissors will remind you of cotton candy, light and airy. The see-through plastic covering on the handles make them comfortable to use, with a slip-resistant grip. The color-coordinated plastic point protector snaps into place to protect the sharp pointed blades.
Easy Kut Spring Action Scissor - 4.75"

Easy Kut Spring Action Scissor - 4.75"

Easy Kut Spring Action Scissor with curved blade for easier cutting Shear cut  Light weight Less hand fatigue  Ergonomic Rainbow Titanium Oxide Finish Right or left hand use This 4.75" squeeze action snip lets you get precisely where you need to snip.

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