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Located in the Beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota

Swedish Weaving is VERY Relaxing.
Warning: Can become very addictive!

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Needles & Bodkins

#13 Bent Tip Tapestry Needle

#13 Bent Tip Tapestry Needle

#13 Bent Tip Tapestry Needle Needle is approximately 2 3/4" long
Max: 2
#13 Tapestry Needle

#13 Tapestry Needle

#13 Tapestry Needle Needle is 2 3/4" long
Max: 2
5 Inch Weaving Needle

5 Inch Weaving Needle

5" Weaving Needle
Max: 2
Bodkin 2 7/8" One Hole Bent Weaving Needle

Bodkin 2 7/8" One Hole Bent Weaving Needle

This 2 7/8" bent end needle with one hole is perfect for weaving on monk's cloth, as it slides smoothly through the floats of the fabric.   Picture shows 2 different views to demonstrate the bent tip. BODKINS SHIP FREE WITH FABRIC ORDERS
Max: 5
Bodkin 2 7/8" One Hole Flat Weaving Needle

Bodkin 2 7/8" One Hole Flat Weaving Needle

This 2 7/8" flat needle with one hole is perfect for weaving on monk's cloth, as it slides smoothly through the floats of the fabric. BODKINS SHIP FREE WITH FABRIC ORDERS
Max: 5
Bodkin 2 7/8" Two Hole Flat Weaving Needle

Bodkin 2 7/8" Two Hole Flat Weaving Needle

This 2 7/8" flat needle with two holes is perfect for weaving on monk's cloth, as it slides smoothly through the floats of the fabric. BODKINS SHIP FREE WITH FABRIC ORDERS
Max: 5
Clover Bent Tip Huck Embroidery Needle (Set of 3)

Clover Bent Tip Huck Embroidery Needle (Set of 3)

Package of three needles specifically for huck embroidery (Swedish weaving). Three different sizes with bent tips to make it easier to pick up the floats of the fabric.   Recommended for Huck Toweling, Stockholm or Popkorn fabric & ready to stitch towels.  Dawn's Favorite!
Max: 20
Clover Chibi with Bent Tip Tapestry Needle set three needles

Clover Chibi with Bent Tip Tapestry Needle set three needles

This set includes 2-No.15 and 1-No.17 needles and a convenient carrying case with a screw on cap that stores needles neatly.
Max: 2
Hiya Hiya Darn It Needles

Hiya Hiya Darn It Needles

Add some color to your darning basket with these three colorful metal darning needles. The needle has a large eye and curved tips making them an excellent choice for huck weaving. The needles are 2.75" long. Three per package, assorted colors .
Max: 2
John James #13 Tapestry Needles

John James #13 Tapestry Needles

Package contains Two (2) #13 Tapestry Needles.
Max: 2
John James 3 Weaving Needle Set

John James 3 Weaving Needle Set

Package contains One (1) Flat Two Hole Bodkin, One (1) Bent Weaving Needle, and One (1) Bent Tip One Hole Bodkin.
John James Raffia and Bodkin Set

John James Raffia and Bodkin Set

Set of three different 2-7/8 inch long flat needles, one bent and two straight, perfect for huck embroidery on monk's cloth!
Max: 5
Jumbo Tapestry Needles

Jumbo Tapestry Needles

Jumbo Tapestry Needles Bent Point
Max: 2

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